Smithfield Performance Ltd engagement teams 360° feedback talent projects contact login

Which question set?

If you have your own question set we can programme your questions into our system and manage the 360° survey distribution, the data collection, and the reporting for you.

If you don't have a question set of your own, or you want to use a standarised question set so as to benchmark the leadership behaviour of your people, then the best solution is to use our P360° solution.

The Smithfield P360° Feedback Model

This is our benchmarked 360° feedback tool. There are thirty three standardised questions that measure nine leadership competencies. The nine competencies are arranged according to the Big Three global competencies of leadership. Our questions target the most important aspects of leadership behaviour. They have been validated over many years of use and constant refinement.

The benefits of using a standardised question-set.

Our standardised question set was developed using a scientific approach. We did a literature review to look at competencies that are relevant for high performance leadership, chose the ones that we felt were important given our own experience of working with and coaching business leaders, and we subsequently performed a validation of our question-set to ensure that we had high internal consistencies.

Our question-set has now been used on hundreds of P360° delegates which means that we have a huge benchmark against which we can compare your leaders.

Smithfield P360 Reliabilities using Cronbach's Alpha

α = 0.80
α = 0.73
α = 0.66
α = 0.79
α = 0.80
α = 0.67
α = 0.71
α = 0.81
α = 0.75

Strategic Thinking
Innovation & Change
Analytical Thinking
Organising & Planning
Stakeholder Mgt
Drive & Energy



The Smithfield P360° Features

Why do a 360° feedback?

Asking our colleagues to give us feedback on our behavioural repertoire is a brave but a worthwhile thing to do. It provides the springboard into accelerated leadership development, helping us to recognise and acknowledge our strengths and also some of our weaknesses that we need to address.

  • Most people live in a feedback vacuum. 360 degree feedback creates a confidential and comprehensive way to provide important information to leaders that they would likely never receive otherwise
  • Provides feedback to employees from a variety of sources. Many employees feel 360-degree feedback is more accurate, more reflective of their performance, and more validating than feedback from a supervisor alone
  • Develops and strengthens personal accountability, for behaviour, performance, and career development
  • Reduces discrimination tendencies by opening up feedback from multiple sources. The possibility of discrimination because of race, age, gender, and so forth is reduced. The "horns and halo" effect, in which a supervisor rates performance based on his or her most recent interactions with the employee, is also minimized
  • It’s a practical way to get a large group of leaders in an organization to be comfortable with receiving feedback from direct reports
  • It's one of the best methods for understanding leadership and organizational developmental needs across an organization

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