Smithfield Performance Ltd engagement teams 360° feedback talent projects contact login

Strategic insights into employee engagement, team performance, and talent capital

We measure and coach the skills, capabilities, attitudes, competencies, and the potential of your people. We do Good People Science.

Smithfield Analytics Pyramid

Our tools help you to target improvements in your business and in your leaders by providing you with redefined attitude and behavioural feedback from your people.

Why use Smithfield Performance?

Our data science background allied with our expertise in behavioural psychology gives us a unique approach. Our philosophy is based on the well known saying from W Edwards Deming: "Without data we are just people with opinions".

Reliability and Trust

Our technology is secure and reliable. Our User Experience (UX) focuses on a decluttered simplicity of use with access and UX optimised on all device platforms. We have robust policies relating to data protection, and to maintaining anonymity for users.


We have successfully managed hundreds of engagement surveys, teams surveys, and talent programmes to some of the best known companies in the world.

Building Engagement Surveys

From annual staff surveys to more regular flash surveys, the feedback from your staff provides a rich vein of material for helping you manage your business.

Surveys provided by Smithfield bring with them a high degree of trust for your staff. People trust our surveys to give them a voice - to voice their opinions on what life's really like for them; their views on how they are managed, what they really think of the employee value proposition that you offer them.

You may think you've got it covered through ad hoc channels like team meetings and from coffee shop conversations, but a survey will give you the real data, gathered in a confidential way, with promises of anonymity.

Helping teams improve performance

Team effectiveness is not just about getting along with each other. Good quality relationships are only one dimension of what a team needs to do to be high performing.

How do you know how well your teams are performing? Do you have data that shows you the performance of your teams against a company average, or against an external benchmark?

We measure team performance using a well established set of criteria, a set of criteria that we know leads to high performing teams. The measure is called the ASTA9.

We can make a direct comparison between your teams and all of the other teams that have completed the ASTA9, of which there are hundreds, from sales teams in the pharmaceutical industry, to manufacturing operational teams.

Gathering 360° feedback data

Online 360° is the easiest and simplest way to gather measurable behavioural feedback. It is ideal for people who are progressing through leadership development, to help them to pin-point those leadership muscles that need to be strengthened.

Asking people who we work with for feedback on our performance is brave but worthwhile. It provides a rich source of performance data that is very difficult to find any other way.

Our colleagues have a chance to rate us on a well-defined set of leadership beahviours, and we can use the data to highlight the things we do well and the things we need to work on.

Talent Development

We can support you with psychometric profiling, assessment & development centres, leadership or wellbeing coaching, competency development, career development, and reslience building.

We specialise in the measurement of human capability, from broad reasoning skills as in verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning, through to multifaceted assessment & development centres that incorporate competency assessment, psychometric profiling, personality profiling, and 360° feedback.

We can provide expert assessors in behavioural observation for your A&DC, or we can train your people to it. Our behavioural observation training has been described as "one of the best days of leadership development I've ever had."

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